
Public DMPs

Public DMPs are plans created using the DMPonline service and shared publicly by their owners. They are not vetted for quality, completeness, or adherence to funder guidelines.

Project title  Template  Organisation Owner Download
TPM – MSc Optimizing Hybrid Energy System Components at The Green Village TU Delft Data Management Plan template (2021) Delft University of Technology Kenan Salkovic (new window) Opens in new window
TPM-MSc Graduation Thesis Project: Agricultural Utopias - Transformations through Visions of Change in the Alternative Food Movement TU Delft Data Management Plan template (2021) Delft University of Technology Yannick Overzee (new window) Opens in new window
PhD research: Training healthcare providers on communication via a virtual agent simulation TU Delft Data Management Plan template (2021) Delft University of Technology Mohammad Al Owayed (new window) Opens in new window
VR avatars and gait parametrisation TU Delft Data Management Plan template (2021) Delft University of Technology Alex van den Berg (new window) Opens in new window
TPM- MSc- Optimizing Reverse Supply Chain Operations through ERP Integration: A Focus on Managing Urgent Defects with SAP TU Delft Data Management Plan template (2021) Delft University of Technology Nikhil Shitole (new window) Opens in new window
GRAIL (Getting Responsible about AI and machine Learning in research funding and evaluation) - Workshop series The University of Sheffield Research DMP The University of Sheffield Denis Newman-Griffis (new window) Opens in new window
test test Delft University of Technology Magdalena Drafiova (new window) Opens in new window
The effect of obesity on cardiovascular disease: mediation analysis with Mendelian randomization Template for Swedish Research Council Karolinska Institutet Arvid Sjölander (new window) Opens in new window
Advanced Computer Simulations for Material and Biomolecular Science Swedish Research Council Template Stockholm University Alexander Lyubartsev (new window) Opens in new window
Risk factors for suicide among psychiatric patients that have experienced compulsory mental care Swedish Research Council Template Karolinska Institutet Sara Lindstedt (new window) Opens in new window