
Welcome to DMPonline at KTH Royal Institute of Technology

This instance of DMPonline is provided by KTH Royal Institute of Technology to help you write data management plans. Create an account to access guidance, advice and templates from KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Once you have an account you can link this to your university account and log in with your KTH credentials. KTH DMPonline will store and use the information you enter according to the terms of use.

Do not enter information about high security projects into KTH DMPonline. If you need a DMP for such a project, feel free to log in, create a test plan and download the questions from the appropriate template. Use the preferred template and reply to the questions in order to write a DMP using your preferred writing tool and storing it in a secure location.

The information you enter in KTH DMPonline will not become available to the public unless you chose to make it so. However, KTH Research Data Services can access the information (general information such as project description, participating researchers, as well as more specific information about needs for support and storage). This information can be used for support purposes, but also for reuse in administrative systems to simplify and provide better services.

If you don't agree with this, please log in and create an empty plan to download the questions from your preferred template. You can then use the template and write down your answers to the questions outside the system.

If you have questions about research data management at KTH, please contact